Last day of term – School closes at 2pm (No Tweed Tigers)

Daily Mile

Dear Parent/Gaurdian

The January results of the daily mile have been put onto Seesaw. Despite the weather I was staggered by the amount of miles that you covered during January. More than half of the school have submitted miles covering over 1900 miles in total. It is amazing how motivated the children become with a little competition! We have another week before all pupils return to school so we will run the competition until Sunday 7th March, with results being submitted in by Wednesday 10th March.

I would also like to put a video together for our website and facebook page to celebrate everyone’s achievements. If you have a photograph that you would like to appear on the video can you please upload it onto your child's Seesaw journal for the teachers to pass onto me. It can be a photograph of your child/family on your walk or something that you have spotted whilst out and about. The weather forecast is looking great for the week ahead so hopefully you manage some lovely walks. I look forward to receiving your miles and photographs.

I will send out the Daily Mile milage collection form next week.

Thank you

Mrs Pick

PE Coordinator