Last day of term – School closes at 2pm (No Tweed Tigers)


Just a few reminders for the end of term:

  • Tomorrow morning we have Class Photos, smiles at the ready!
  • Year 4 Level 1 Bikeability - Please remember bikes and helmets if you have them - Please come into school for 8.30am (Year 4 ONLY).
  • Our big book and dvd sale takes place tomorrow afternoon - if you still have items to donate please hand them in at the school office. Please send children in with some small change if they would like to buy something from the sale.
  • School closes at 2pm and re-opens on Tuesday 23rd April

General Information

Due to the government lowering the recommended amount of sugar in childrens' meals there has been a delay in releasing this years summer menu. We will therefore continue with our winter menu choices after the Easter break. We come back on Tuesday Week 2. We hope to have summer menus in place for the middle of May, so please look out for the menu options and complete as soon as you can.

If you have applied for a reception place for September you should receive confirmation by Tuesday 16th April. If you are aware of anyone that is yet to apply please let them know that we are still taking late applications.

Enjoy your break!

Mrs Hodgson