Last day of term – School closes at 2pm (No Tweed Tigers)

Spring Newsletter 2019

Happy New Year and welcome back to the Spring Term.


Please find attached diary dates up until Easter, as well as some general info below.


Parent consultations will take place this half term, dates to be arranged. (Reception consultations will be after the half term holiday).


This week we are on Week 2 of the winter menu.  We will continue on the winter menu until further notice.


Please ensure your child has a PE kit in school at all times, lessons are not always on the planned days.


Year 1 & 2 will continue to take swimming lessons every Thursday.  A payment option for this half term is now available on parentmail.


If you have ordered milk for your child, please make payment for this as soon as possible.  If you ordered milk but your child no longer wants it, please let me know so the order can be cancelled.


Starting from today, all children at Tweedmouth West will take part in a 15 minute walk in the school grounds (aiming to achieve a mile).  A mile a day is a new initiative making children fitter, healthier and more able to concentrate in the classroom.  Children will not need any special kit for this daily walk, just comfortable school shoes and a coat/jacket weather depending.


As always please call into the office if you have any questions.


Thank you 

Mrs Hodgson