Apologies this should have been sent to you last week.
Dear Parents/Carers,
Our sports week has gone extremely well, in spite of the weather! Only Year 3 to go tomorrow, so let’s hope for more sunshine. The children have competed in a variety of events, and shown such good sportsmanship. We are really proud of them. Watch this space, and we will direct you to the photographs when they have been put together.
Today, we had a celebration with Mrs Straughan, our school cook. She has worked at Tweedmouth West for 25 years, producing delicious dinners every day. Congratulations Mrs Straughan – here’s to the next 25 years!
As you know, we have had a number of staff self-isolating, and this has meant everyone working extra hard to fill the gaps. A huge thankyou to all the staff, who are doing everything they can to make sure we are still operating as normal on the last day of term.
We have a very emotional time coming up, as we say goodbye to our Year 4 children. We will make sure that we give them a great send-off, and that they take with them lots of good memories of Tweedmouth West.
Next week I will give you as much information as I am able about the arrangements for September, so we will be well prepared after the holidays.
Enjoy your weekend,
Take care everyone, and keep safe.
Mrs Robertson