Last day of term – School closes at 2pm (No Tweed Tigers)

Welcome Back

Dear all,

We hope the children have had a good break and are excited to be starting school tomorrow! 


The staff and I are really looking forward to working with you to ensure that your children get the very best experience at Tweedmouth West. 


There are a few minor changes to everyday arrangements but the values and ethos will continue to focus on nurture, stability, wellbeing and a love of learning.


The weather looks warm so a named water bottle will be useful.


For PE and outdoor learning, starting next week, can children please bring a named bag (canvas/drawstring/carrier/small backpack) containing


  • shorts,
  • T-shirt and
  • trainers,
  • waterproof trousers and jacket.
  • Wellies can be brought in on field days.
  • Hoodies and joggers will be required for outdoor PE when the weather gets cooler.

Please name all of the above (and everything else) so it can be easily reunited with the owner! 


In a slight change we would like children to come to school in normal uniform every day and get changed into the appropriate kit when they need to.


We will be in touch about dates for events such as Harvest Festival, parent meetings, trips etc on ParentMail. We will also be using Seesaw to share your children's learning so please logon as soon as requested so you don't miss out.


I am absolutely delighted to be taking on the Leadership of Tweedmouth West - I am reliably informed by everyone I meet that it is 'The Best!' so we'll make sure we keep it that way!


My sincere thanks to Mrs Robertson for her support in handing over responsibilities and to the fantastic staff who have made me feel so welcome and worked so hard already.


See you at the gate tomorrow,


Best wishes


Mrs Dalrymple