Welcome To Our New Website!
Welcome To Our New Website!
Tweedmouth West First School


Vision: To Be Our Best

  • As children we want to be our best selves and bring our best efforts to school every day - working to the best of our abilities, being kind, bringing out the best in one another.

  • As staff we will demonstrate our best every day by delivering an engaging curriculum,  having high expectations of effort and behaviour, ensuring the needs of the children, our colleagues and ourselves are met so we can all bring our best to our school.

  • As families we will ensure our children can be their best selves and achieve their potential by being loved and respected,  well cared for, well prepared and supported and work alongside the staff to provide the best start in life for all of our children.

The 5 Arches of Ambition: We can be our best when supported by the 5 Arches.

Achievement, Skills, Kindness, Confidence,Voice 

 Be ambitious: to achieve our potential, to be resilient with a strong work ethic and to have high expectations of ourselves and others.

 Be skillful: in lessons and in life. Use critical thinking, creativity, problem solving, teamwork. Be ready for being independent by making healthy physical, well-being and relationship choices, being money wise and safe online.

 Be kind: to ourselves, to others and to the environment, showing empathy and compassion. Listen to and understand others, and offer help and support.

 Be confident: to try new things and have confidence in our own abilities, to feel successful and have self-worth and self-belief. Be proactive and make the most of opportunities.

 Be heard: use our voice to speak up for ourselves and for others. Disagree well. Think before we speak. Develop vocabulary as the bedrock for thinking and learning. Listen.


 Everyone Matters - We expect everyone in our community to be respectful, to value one another's voice and to speak up for others and ourselves. 

 Everyone Helps - We expect everyone in our community to make good choices and look for ways to be helpful.

 Everyone Succeeds -We expect everyone in our community to work hard, take opportunities, achieve to the best of their abilities and build skills. 

Our school provides:
  • A broad, balanced and creative curriculum adapted for ambition and inclusion for all.
  • A wide range of opportunities to develop enquiring minds, independence and the love of lifelong learning.
  • Opportunities for children to be creative and critical thinkers in order to reflect upon their learning and deepen their understanding.
  • A culture of excellence in Oracy to value every voice, elevate learning and enhance presentation skills
  • A safe, well ordered learning environment, both in the classroom and outdoors, which promotes a sense of belonging, self-respect, self-control, respect for the feelings and property of others and positive attitudes to life.
  • Opportunities for the development and understanding of their own religion and culture, and that of others.
  • An understanding and appreciation of human achievement in all its forms.
  • An understanding of citizenship so that pupils can think globally, value diversity and promote community cohesion.