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Tweedmouth West First School

Jack Forster Collection

Published: 9 Jan '25

Dear Parents,

As many of you will be aware, following a hit and run incident in Berwick on New Year's Eve, a local coach, Jack Forster remains in a critical condition.

Jack is a member of the Newcastle United Foundation who visit schools in Berwick to deliver sports coaching. Many of us know him well although Jack was not a regular coach at Tweedmouth West and therefore not known to the children.

Some Berwick partnership schools are hosting fundraising events as Jack was a regular visitor. We are sharing the link to the Just giving page which has been set up to support him and his family through this incredibly difficult time.

If you would like to donate to this cause please follow this link: Jack Forster - Just Giving

Otherwise I'm sure you will join us in wishing Jack and his family all the very best.

Thank you

Mrs Dalrymple