Last day of term – School closes at 2pm (No Tweed Tigers)

Comic Relief 18th March

Dear Parents and Carers,

Red Nose Day - 18 March 2022


Red Nose Day is back and we’re all looking forward to a chance to get together for a giggle.


Here’s what we’ve got planned at Tweedmouth West…..


We will be holding a crazy hair day on Friday 18th March.


For a donation of £1 we will hold a non-uniform day, and make it an opportunity for your child to do something crazy with their hair that will create a giggle. We will be encouraging children and staff to wear their craziest hair at school. This can include crazy styles, colours, wigs, hats, headbands, boppers - the choice is yours.


Also on sale week commencing 14th March we have the official Comic Relief pin badges priced at £1 each.


However much we raise, it will change lives, both here in the UK and worldwide.


In fact, £50 could provide training to a pre-school teacher and a health volunteer to help improve the health, wellbeing and education of young children in Kenya. £500 could get 2,000 meals to children and families most in need in the UK.


We’ll also be using Red Nose Day as a learning opportunity to explore the issues facing young people across the world, and how the money we raise can help.


We really appreciate your support and hope that you’ll have fun helping us raise lots of money for Red Nose Day.


Kind regards

Mrs Anderson