Last day of term – School closes at 2pm (No Tweed Tigers)

Weekly Newsletter 31.3.23

Dear Parents Carers,

It is the end of the Spring Term!

I want to say a huge thankyou to all the staff of Tweedmouth West, who have worked so hard, and given the children such great experiences.


We have had so much happening over the last few weeks – visits to the Granary Gallery, Field to Fork trips, and sporting events. The children have all represented the school and their families well when they have been out and about.


Thankyou so much to all our families who supported our ‘Spring Thing’ this morning. It was lovely to see so many people in the Hall, and the children did a splendid job!


We are very sorry to be saying goodbye to Miss Dixon today. She has been with us for a long time, as she started as a pupil here, and we will really miss her. We wish her the best of luck in her new adventure.


We will be welcoming Miss Moses here after the holidays, and we look forward to her becoming part of our team.


Everyone at Tweedmouth West wishes you a very happy holiday.


Take care,
Mrs Robertson