Last day of term – School closes at 2pm (No Tweed Tigers)

Weekly Newsletter 16.06.23

Dear parents/carers,


What a busy start to this last half term of the year! I would like to say a huge thankyou to the Tweedmouth West staff, who are working extremely hard. This is always a jam-packed time of year, and it takes a great deal of dedication to make everything happen.


Last week, a group of Key Stage 2 children went to the Quad Kids competition. I am pleased to report they came first! They will now be going to the finals in Morpeth in a couple of weeks time.


Year 3 and 4 also went to the annual Countryside Day, which was fabulous – as always. The children were a real credit to the school.


We have had our new Reception class visiting, and our Year 4 children going on their visits to the Middle Schools. It is a real time of transition! A group of children from Year 3 were part of the welcome team when the new Reception class came to visit.  They did a splendid job putting the children at their ease, and making it a very positive experience for them.


Our first Sports Day took place today. Thankyou to Mrs Pick and Mrs Anderson for putting it all together. The whole day is about teamwork, for the staff and the children. Well done everyone!


Have a lovely weekend everyone,


I hope the sun continues to shine!


Mrs Robertson