Last day of term – School closes at 2pm (No Tweed Tigers)

MacMillan Fundraising

Dear Parents,


It's a tradition at Tweedmouth West to host a Macmillan Coffee Morning each year, this is usually one of our biggest fundraising events that the Year 4 children organise and prepare for. We are going to host a Macmillan Coffee Morning for the Y4 children's families on Friday 29th September 2023, 9:30 - 10:30am.


I would be grateful for a couple of Year 4 parents to volunteer to serve the tea and coffee then tidy up afterwards. Please let myself or Mrs Hodgson know if you are available to help.


So that we can involve the whole school we will have the following three competitions for all children to participate in:

  1. Guess the name of the teddy bear
  2. Guess the teddy bears birthday
  3. How many sweets are in the jar


Your child can participate in all three for one small donation.


A slip of paper will come home with your child this week, if you want to enter please return the completed slip with your donation in a named envelope.


A photograph of all three prizes will be shared with you so that your child is able to make a guess for each prize. Look out for the pictures being shared over the next few days.


The Y4 children will be organising this event so it would be helpful to make sure envelopes and competition entry slips are clear.


I would like to thank you for your support and hope we can raise as much as we can for Macmillan Cancer Support.


Kind regards

Mrs Poole