Last day of term – School closes at 2pm (No Tweed Tigers)

Reminder: Coronation Event Tomorrow

Reminder: Coronation Event Tomorrow


Good morning, 


Just a reminder that children in Reception, Year 1, Year 2 and Year 4 should come in their own clothes tomorrow. 


Year 2 should also bring their waterproofs and wellies or full field kit in a bag.  


Year 3 should come to school in their PE kits with their own clothes in a bag. 


Children can choose to wear......

Their finest clothes OR Red, White & Blue clothes OR their own clothes with coronation boppers etc.


If you have any questions please get in touch.


Thank you 

Mrs Hodgson

------------ Original Message: ------------


Good afternoon,


As you will be aware next Friday 5th May we are holding our Coronation Cream Tea event.


Children can come to school on the day wearing either:


Their finest clothes or Red, White & Blue clothes or their own clothes with coronation boppers etc.


A reminder of the event and times for each class will be sent again closer to the time.

Thank you

Mrs Hodgson