Last day of term – School closes at 2pm (No Tweed Tigers)

Sports Days

Dear Parents / Carers,


Celebration of Sport - Sports Day


Following our successful sports days last year, we are planning to hold Reception, Year 1, Year 2 and The Nest on Friday 16th June 2023 (reserve date Friday 7th July 2023) and Year 3 & Year 4 on Friday 23rd June 2023 (reserve date Friday 14th July 2023). Spreading the event over 2 days allows the children more time to enjoy the events as well as giving our Year 4 sports Leaders the opportunity to help organise and lead the events.


We are planning to hold a carousel of field sports events in the morning and our traditional track races in the afternoon. You and your family are welcome to attend both of the events.


The morning will begin at 9.30 with our Year 3 & 4 children displaying their hula hoop and skipping skills followed by all children performing a wake and shake dance. The children will then carousel around ten different field events. The events are aimed for the children to practise skills learnt throughout the year and to have fun. Seating will be dotted around the field and you are welcome to support your child around the events. The session will end at 11.30 to allow the children to have their lunch.


The afternoon session will begin at 1.30 with an olympic style ceremony followed by our traditional track races. We will corden off an area of the sports field for you to spectate and ask you to bring your own picnic chair/blankets to sit on.


More information will be provided closer to the event regarding what the children need to bring and wear.


Kind regards


Mrs Pick & Mrs Anderson
PE Leads