Last day of term – School closes at 2pm (No Tweed Tigers)

End of Week One

End of week one

Dear Parents/Carers,

What a week this has been!

We are taking life one day at a time, as things are changing so quickly.

Whether you are a frontline worker, keeping the essentials of society going, or you are helping to keep the virus at bay by staying at home, we all have our part to play.    

Please remember the golden rules of handwashing and social distancing, and making sure that the children follow this routine too.

I hope you are all managing your home learning. We really appreciate the challenges this brings, and that this will have been a steep learning curve! The most important thing to do at home is READING – this might be the children reading themselves, or you reading to them. Just make sure there are plenty of books around – the same one over and over again is not a bad thing!

We are sending messages to the children regularly on our facebook page, so look out for that. 

We are all really missing you, but know that this is the best way for us all to keep safe.

Thank you all for your amazing support, we can get through this together!

Anne Robertson