Last day of term – School closes at 2pm (No Tweed Tigers)

Home Learning

Dear Parents/Carers,

We are back into a lockdown situation, and back to home schooling.

We all appreciate just how tough this is, and all we can ask is that you do your very best with your children at home.

I would like to give you some advice, mostly gained from parents from last time!

  • Make a timetable – keep activities short (this will depend on the age of the children. 10 minutes for younger children, up to 30 minutes for Year 4)
  • Keep your timetable varied – a piece of work followed by a snack, or outdoor activity.
  • Make sure you have some active time during your timetable – keep moving!
  • Lots and lots of praise! Be encouraging, and the children will be more confident to give things a go.
  • Make sure you do lots of reading – either your child reading, or you reading to them.
  • Keep an eye on the school facebook page where we will put any useful links.
  • There are now lots of resources on line, and on TV. Make use of those too if you need more!

Take care, and be kind to each other.

Mrs Robertson