Last day of term – School closes at 2pm (No Tweed Tigers)

Macmillan Coffee Morning

Macmillan Coffee Morning

Dear Parents,

It's a tradition at Tweedmouth West to host a Macmillan Coffee Morning each year, this is usually one of our biggest fundraising events that the Year 4 children organise and prepare for.  Unfortunately, this year we will not be able to do our coffee morning due to current restrictions.  However, we feel strongly that we would still like to raise as much money as we can for this charity so the Year 4 children have planned to hold a bingo event instead.

Our bingo event will take place during the school day on Friday 25th September where Mrs Robertson will invite all the classes to a virtual meeting and she will be the bingo caller on our big screen in each classroom.  There will be a prize for the first child in each class who gets the first line then a prize for the child who gets a full house in each class. If you would like your child to participate it is £1 for one bingo card up to a maximum of £5 for five bingo cards.  It is essential that money is brought in to school in a clearly marked envelope with your child's name, year group and the number of bingo cards they would like.  The Y4 children will be organising this so it would be helpful to make sure envelopes are clear. 

We are also going to do our usual 'guess the name of the teddy bear,'  'guess the teddy bears birthday' and 'how many sweets are in the jar.'  Your child can participate in all three for a price of £1.  A slip of paper will go home with your child this week, if you want to enter please return the slip completed with £1 in an envelope with your child's name on it.   A photograph of all three prizes will go on the school website and facebook page by the end of the week.

If you are able to donate or work in a shop that would donate a small prize e.g. box of chocolate for the children to win this would be much appreciated.

I would like to thank you for your support and hope we can raise as much as we can for Macmillan Cancer Support.

Kind regards

Mrs Poole