Last day of term – School closes at 2pm (No Tweed Tigers)

Northern Learning Trust

Please see email below from Kyra Thompson, Northern Learning Trust

Just to let you know that we have developed 3 new short courses which anyone can access. These can be sent to people via email and then followed up with a phone call by myself to ensure understanding and answer any questions.
They include:
Assertiveness & Decision Making;
Personal Confidence & Self Awareness;
Stress Management.
I can also support people to improve their own maths and Literacy and to support younger children at home. I am working through the summer and we have funding for all learning so they are completely free. The only criteria is that the person is not in work/college.
People can contact me directly to ask any questions about the courses and the Bridge Project.
Thank You!
Kyra Thompson

Community Engagement Tutor - Berwick

Northern Learning Trust
Cheviot House
Beaminster Way East
Kingston Park
Newcastle upon Tyne