Last day of term – School closes at 2pm (No Tweed Tigers)

Please help ...

Dear Parents/Carers,

As you know, we have to put in place measures to make sure that school is a safe place for the children to learn, and one of these is the staggered drop off/pick up time.

We can only make this work if you help us. I fully understand that this is difficult out on the street, but please keep to these rules:-

  • Unless you have siblings in school, do not arrive until your allocated time. You have a 15 minute slot for each child’s class, please keep to those times.
  • If you do have siblings with different times, arrive at 9.00 – then you are at the end of the early slot, and the beginning of the second slot.
  • Face coverings to be worn by all adults
  • Only 1 adult with children please
  • Leave smaller children in prams/buggies at home if at all possible
  • On the pavement, stand as close to the wall as you can to allow others to pass
  • Observe the social distancing rules as much as you can

In these difficult times, we are all having to make adjustments to our lives, and these can sometimes be difficult. But our main concern is getting the children into school as quickly and safely as we can. Please help us to do this.

Thankyou for your patience and understanding.

Yours sincerely

Mrs Robertson