Last day of term – School closes at 2pm (No Tweed Tigers)

Reminder - Knitting Project

Good morning

Just a quick reminder for anyone that has been knitting Christmas Trees for our display, to hand them into the school office before the end of the month.


We've already had lots handed in and we are excited about displaying them in the coming weeks.


Thank you

Mrs Hodgson
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Anyone fancy a little knitting project?

Following on from the success of last years knitted Angel project this year we thought we would collect knitted Christmas Trees!

The Angels made a wonderful display last year and will do again in the years to come. This time we will be collecting Christmas Trees (a much easier knitting pattern, even for beginners!)

If you or anyone know would like to get involved please pass on the pattern attached. All trees should be handed in before the end of November.

Thank you

Mrs Hodgson