Last day of term – School closes at 2pm (No Tweed Tigers)

Tweed Tigers info

Our Tweed Tigers after school club will have been running for a full year next month! Time really does fly!


The afterschool club has been a great success with many families taking advantage of the extended hours of childcare.


Whilst some families use the facility to enable parents to work others just come along for the fun.


To celebrate our Tweed Tigers 1st birthday we will be running Tweed Tigers Tuesday Triathlon sessions for the last 7 weeks of the summer term.


As the name suggests we will be running fun races, scooting or cycling and learning to skip to the beat.


The Triathlon Sessions will run for the first hour on Tuesday’s only.


Children can choose not to take part in these activities if they wish.


A drink and a snack will be provided as normal and the session will cost the normal £2.50.


Look out for the booking form which will contain more details.


The children coming to Tweed Tigers always have fun and have a wide range of activities to keep them busy, they can craft and colour, play board games, build lego, play ball games, play on the field and sometime they pond dip.


Tweed Tigers can be used by all our parents whenever it suits, whilst we do ask you to pre-book via the weekly forms, last minute bookings and cancellations can be made by calling the school office.


If you have any questions or would like to know more please get in touch.


Thank you

Mrs Robertson and the Tweed Tigers staff