Last day of term – School closes at 2pm (No Tweed Tigers)

Urgent Sports Day Check

Morning Everyone

I would firstly like to thank all of you who have taken part in our Virtual Sports Day. The response has been great. We have had some great photographs and videos sent in and judging from them it looks like lots of you had great fun. It certainly lifted my spirits seeing them.

I am now going to put them into a video collage and post it on our face book page to celebrate and mark the occasion. It has been brought to our attention that a couple of videos sent via email have not reached us so I am now concerned that this may have happened to others. Mrs Hodgson has kindly been responding to those people that she has received videos/photographs from so if you have NOT had an acknowledgment can you please let us know. If you could indicate how you sent that would be great. It may be that we ask you to send it again if we cannot locate the original, as we do not want anyone left off.

Many thanks
Mrs Pick