Last day of term – School closes at 2pm (No Tweed Tigers)

Weekly Newsletter 01.07.22

Dear Parents/Carers,


This has been another very tricky week for us here in school. Not all our staff are back, as this bout of Covid is taking longer to recover from. Thankyou for your patience and understanding. We are doing all we can to keep things running smoothly.


I was absolutely delighted to welcome our Year 3 parents into school this week. This was the first event we have hosted since March 2020, so it was very emotional for us all! The Year 3 children did a splendid job, and if they were nervous, they certainly didn’t show it! We have more classes next week to look forward to.


We have also had Bike Ability back in school this week, and we are so proud of the children. Particularly those who start the day unable to ride a bike, and end the day whizzing round the playground!


Have a lovely weekend everyone.


Yours sincerely,


Mrs Robertson