Last day of term – School closes at 2pm (No Tweed Tigers)

Weekly Newsletter 15.01.21

Dear Parents/Carers,

We are at the end of our second week, and our systems are working well. The children who are in school have adapted well to our new bubbles, and are getting on with each other, and with unfamiliar members of staff. I am so proud of their resilience.

Could I remind all our families who have children in school – please only send them on the days you are working. Home is the safest place to be, so if there is someone at home to take care of them, that is where they should be.

The children who are working virtually are engaging well with Seesaw, and we are seeing some great things happening at home. Thankyou to all our families for everything you are doing – we know how tough home schooling is!

I would like to say a huge thankyou to all the NHS staff who have been working tirelessly on the front line since this virus first appeared. We have many NHS workers amongst our parents, and we are all so grateful for everything that you do everyday to keep us safe.

Take care everyone, and keep safe.

Mrs Robertson