Last day of term – School closes at 2pm (No Tweed Tigers)

Weekly Newsletter 16.04.21

Dear Parents/Carers,

We are all back in school, and the children have returned keen and eager to learn!


Things are really starting to improve, as many of us have now had our vaccine, and we are onto Step 2 of the Government’s roadmap. I have certainly enjoyed being with people in the garden (still outdoors at the moment) and seeing more people out and about.


In school, we are still following all our procedures to keep everyone safe:- staying in our bubbles, frequent handwashing and cleaning, and learning outdoors as much as possible.


Let’s hope that things continue to get better, and that we can look forward to Step 3 in May.


You will know that we are starting up after school clubs next week for Years 2,3 & 4. Remaining in our class bubbles, we are doing all we can to keep the staff and children safe. Things are gradually returning to normal!


A huge thankyou to all those businesses who have opened up again this week, such as shops, hairdressers (can’t wait!) and gyms. Lots of preparation will have gone into this to make sure they are safe for customers.


Take care everyone, and keep safe.


Mrs Robertson