Last day of term – School closes at 2pm (No Tweed Tigers)

Weekly Newsletter 24.06.22

Dear Parents/Carers,


This has been a very tricky week for us here in school, with 3 members of staff off with Covid. Thankyou for your patience, and I have passed on all your best wishes. We really hope that everyone will be back next week!


All our congratulations to Mrs Poole, who this week was successful in her interview to become a Primary Mastery Maths Specialist starting next year. Don’t worry – she won’t be leaving us! This is a role she will take on alongside her teaching.


We are really looking forward to welcoming parents back into school next week. We are starting with Year 3 on Wednesday, first to the performance, and then into the classroom to look at the children’s books. We will send Year 3 parents the details for this.


A huge thankyou for all the effort you have gone to with the fabulous hats! It has really cheered everyone up on the last day of the week!


Have a lovely weekend everyone, and I hope the sun shines on us!


Yours sincerely,

Mrs Robertson