Last day of term – School closes at 2pm (No Tweed Tigers)

Weekly Newsletter 24.6.2021

Dear Parents/Carers,

We are getting very close to the end of this academic year – and what a year it has been. My priority now, is to keep all the children and staff in school until the last day of term. I certainly do not want to have to close any bubbles at this point.


It is for this reason that we cannot have parents in to our usual end of term events. I know that this is very disappointing, but I have to do all I can to keep the children safe now, and into the summer holidays.


Rest assured, we will be doing our very best to make sure the children really enjoy these last few weeks, and make some lasting memories.


We are not able to hold our usual Sports Day as we are still operating in separate bubbles, but we are doing an alternative here in school. The children will take part in a variety of sports activities over a week, and they are busy practising for that now.


Mrs Poole is working extremely hard to give our Year 4 leavers a great send off, and to make sure they are ready for their transition to Middle School.


Thankyou for your understanding and support – these have been tough times, but we are doing all we can to make sure that the children have the best experiences here in school.


Enjoy your weekend,


Take care everyone, and keep safe.


Mrs Robertson