Last day of term – School closes at 2pm (No Tweed Tigers)

Welcome Back Reminders

Good afternoon,

Well that was a very fast week! We hope you have enjoyed the half term and look forward to seeing you tomorrow, all refreshed and ready for the next six weeks!


A few bits of information and reminders for this week:


  1. The school office will not be manned tomorrow due to staff training. Mrs Hodgson will be back in on Tuesday for any queries however for anything urgent please leave a telephone message or send an email and these will be picked up as soon as possible. Absence can be reported on parentmail as normal.
  2. Tomorrow is day one of Tweed Tigers, our after school child care provision. Thank you to those of you that have booked on the parentmail form. If you have yet to do so and would like you child to attend this coming week please leave a telephone message with the details. 306151.


Children being picked up after Tweed Tigers should be collected from the school office.


  1. Don’t forget clubs for this half term start this week. Year 4 on Monday or Tuesday, Year 3 on Thursday.
  2. Sun Protection – As the weather has improved please remember to apply suntan lotion before sending your child to school. They should also bring a hat with them to protect their heads when we are outside.


Thank you

Mrs Hodgson